Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Mom's Favorite Prayer

In Loving Memory
Viola B. Keel
9/28/28 to 6/30/08
Rest in Peace Mom



"Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints"

O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, thy love for God and Charity for His creatures, made thee worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore thee to obtain for me (request). O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, Who didst love to be folded in thine arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be thine. Amen.

Just Maybe....

Tonight I have been searching the Internet for Catholic Blogs with a scrappy kind of twist. I haven't found anything. So I have been thinking, maybe, just maybe that's what I should do. I already do in lots of ways. I talk about God, my family and everyday life. So, Jesus, if this is what you want me to do I know you will give me the words to write. I trust you.
Today is the day my mom went to be with Jesus a year ago. I so much wish that she could come back. I miss her so much. I can still see her face, her hands and all the expressions that she used to make. Her face told a thousand untold words. My mom, even at age 79 never loss her spunk. You never knew what to expect out of her. I loved when her eyes danced with mischief. I get my quirky sense of mischief from her and I see it in Cassidy's (my granddaughter) eyes too. What I long for most is to put my head on her lap and have her stroke my hair as she often did when things just were not going right for me. I miss that touch more than anything. I now pass on that love to Cassidy. I know that she can feel it, as she reaches for me and lays her head on my shoulder. How I love her.
My mom was a traditional Catholic in many ways. She prayed the old prayers that she was taught as a child. She prayed for everyone. I have often wandered away from my Catholic hertiage only to return again and again. Maybe our choir doesn't sound like a rock concert, our Alleluia 's and Amens aren't quite as loud and our Mass doesn't usually get us all warm and fuzzy. We are quite, dedicated followers of Christ. Our faith comes from the debt of our souls. We are faithful in the quite resting place of Jesus. Often times we are judged harshly by other Christians and the media. I know many Christians that can re site the bible and I also know many Catholics that live the words. Sometimes knowing is a long bridge away from showing.
I know that I don't have to explain my Catholic faith because this is my blog and I can write what I want (LOL). Just kidding. I am not trying to convert anyone, nor do I want to be converted. So, as they say in AA, take what you want and leave the rest.
May the peace and love of Jesus bring you the comfort and joy that your heart desires.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What we leave behind

Last night I posted on my blog something that I started in May and finished last night called Summer Blessings. I received alot of feedback on this piece. Thanks to all of you who take the time to read my blog and share your thoughts with me. The more and more I thought of my Dad today and how so many bits and pieces of him live on though me. He has not died, he has just passed on. It's amazing how someone who really was in my life for such a short time could give me so many beautiful things. Things that I cherish about myself. The me I love the best. I truly take after my father more than anyone else in my life.
You know, today I thought about how it's not so much of what we do in this life time but what we leave behind. What will you be remembered for? What will Chris and Cassidy think about me? What legacy am I creating? What will remind them of me? I know that like my father I have made many choices that have complicated my life and those who around me. For those things I am truly sorry. I have asked forgiveness and I am so grateful for a son who is understanding and supportive of me. His love for me is true...it holds no wrongs. He forgives and he has forgotten. Rare for anyone to do but he has that gift and it has blessed me.
I wonder what our lives would be like if we looked for those gifts in those around us. If we saw pass the mistakes, the sometimes unkind words or actions and focused in on what it is about them that we love so much. Those things that they have blessed our lives with. Maybe it's the way they say something, or the way they laugh, or the way they forgive or their love for books, animals or children. It's there. As Thomas Merton said "No man is in Island". Everything we do affects those around us and that means good and evil. God did not make us to be alone and He just didn't throw us together. The bible said's that "He knit us in our mother's womb." It wasn't one of those....a little of this, a little of that and a dash of this for good measure No we where well thought of way before the beginning of time. We where formed thoughtfully and lovingly. More like "Aw a little more sensitivity, a little less anger and a hint of humor. She is beautiful and unique. I will give her some of her fathers and mothers traits because I love them and I need her to carry on their legacy with her own unique twist. After all I have a plan that still is not complete." Maybe this is why generation after generation has similar traits and talents. We casually say is so often "He takes after his grandfather, she takes after her mother."
So what will we leave behind? What will remind you of me? Maybe that would be a interesting question to ask those around you. Be prepared what they say might just surprise you!