Our world lost another beautiful soul this week. Helen Culligan. My mother in law. My husband's number one gal and what a gal she was. Mom had a innocent about her. She was in this world but her heart remained detached from all it's cruelly. She didn't gossip, or complain. Everything was great and if it wasn't she would just say her famous "Whatever" and that would be the end of it. She would move on to something else that was great. Her eyes seem to dance with child like mischief because life was an adventure to her. She just wasn't going to waste a moment of it. My generation seems to be losing our parents. That seems to be happening more and more lately. We are becoming orphans in our mid life and you know, we feel like orphans. As I sat in the funeral home on Thursday I watched my husband and his sister hold each other in front of mom. I couldn't help but see the innocent of their love for their mom as I saw them kneeling there. In my eyes I could visualize them as little "Paddy" and "Nan" kneeling by the side of their bed saying their prayers. They where children once again and at the same time they where children for the last time. As they turned, with tears in their eyes, holding one another I knew they where starting a new journey in their lives. They where on their own now.
It's funny how this works but our mom's where the foundation of our family for Pat and I. They created the most memories it seems. They made us feel loved and unique. They thought we where the best, the smartest, the pretties and the most handsome prince.
My heart breaks today for those who do not have the love of at least one parent. I know that many do not have the comfort that comes from the security that a family can give. We are lost in our own worlds. So many are not even capable of giving this kind of love or commitment. We could blame it on our lives that are so different now. So many big problems. Not enough money. Hard times. That's not really different at all. The difference is the commitment that these woman made to their children.
They made us strong and able. They knew when to hold on but also they knew how to let us go. I remember time and time again saying to my mom "I can't do it" and she would answer "you have to." She did not protect me from every storm that came my way.
I would like to write tonight how much I am like Helen but I am not. First of all as much as Helen did not complain...I do. I am a chronic complainer. I know it and you can bet my family will nod in agreement on this one. I don't have her sense of adventure either. I tend to play it safe. I hang out on the side lines. Mostly I am not as kind in my thoughts and words toward others. I don't over look the little things. I can pick apart someone in a blink of an eye. The one thing we have in common is that I love her son, to me he is the best, the smartest and my handsome prince. I think she knew how I felt about him and I believe it brought her comfort. She knew her Paddy would not be alone.
I do believe in the after life. I am so grateful for this. I thank my Mom for her faith that she quietly passed on to me. How sad it would be for me if I couldn't continue to talk with these two beautiful woman. I rest knowing that they are together in their final home in heaven. I am sure they are shaking it up a bit!
We will miss you Helen, how could anyone like you not be missed! We will keep you alive in our hearts and we will Smile.