Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Here I am, crawling on the floor at the local Library. I never thought I would see the library from this view. Especially at my age. Especially not with my granddaughter. I could of never dreamed of what having a granddaugher would be like nor of the lenghts I would go for her. Cassidy and I joined a class at the library. We learn songs, dance and even learn sign language. Of course a 17 month old is not going to sit through this so off I go. Sometimes on foot, sometimes on my knees. Today I can feel the rug burns on these aging knees. I also can feel the smile on my face as I remember how much fun we had. How cute she looked. How proud I was when she followed directions. How neat it was to see her share toys. Small, yes, in the great big world very small, in my world, big, very big.
Grandchildren are like your children but a whole lot better! Sorry kids. We just had to much on our minds. Bills to pay, jobs to keep, housework, yardwork, the list goes on and on. Oh, it's not that we didn't enjoy our children because we most certainly did. I have so many fun memories and so does Chris. He will say to me "Remember when you woke me up at midnight because you made my favorite cookies?". "Remember when we use to play Burger King drive thru at our kitchen window?" "Remember how we use to place the baby Jesus in the manager on Christmas morning and sing "Happy Birthday to Jesus" before we could open our gifts?" "Remember when you dressed up like Cindy Bear at Yogi Bear park when we went camping?" The list goes on and on, thankfully.
Chris taught me how to use a computer, play soccer, golf, basketball and baseball. Mostly he taught me how to love. With him I experienced how big my heart could be.He taught me how deep love can be and lasting. No matter what. He forgave me for my shortcomings and loved me inspite of them.
Grandchildren is my do over. Yes, I get to do it all over again. Hopefully a little wiser even if I am a little slower. I see life through different eyes now even if I view with tri-focals. It's clearer now. Most of all I get to experience girls things. Like tea parties and baby dolls. Pink dresses and ribbions. White lace socks and MaryJane shoes. I love it all.
So here I am again and I am truly amazed that this old heart can stretch a little more as Cassidy stretches her arms to me. My smile grows a little wider each time I hear her say "Na" her name for me. Tears of joy each time she hugs me and gives me her tiny little kisses.

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