Friday, April 3, 2009

I write about things that are close to my heart. I write about the people and things that matter the most to me. Nothing mind blowing. No new information here. The things I write about are things that we already know about but in the busyness of our lives we lose sight of them. I am finding out how simple everything really is. I am amazed on how complicated I can make things. I can look to deep. Seek to much information. Truly I say to myself "that's it, it's that easy?". I noticed that I read shorter books and get more out of them. I prefer a quote over a long paragraph now. I realized that I can get more out of less. It's not instant gratification that I am seeking. It's just that I can spend more time seeking the answers or learning how than on the actually living. I have always read a lot. For years I spent much of my life learning about and seeking God. I thought the more I learned about God the closer I would be with Him. The more real he would become. If I just had all of the answers. If I just knew how to reach Him. I spent so much time reading and seeking it left little time for actually talking to Him or praying. I realize now that all He wants is for us to talk to Him. Nothing grand or fancy. No magical formula. No special words. Just talk. I read somewhere recently, when you realize that you are actually talking to someone, God will become real. Praying will become real. Now when I pray I do not seek any type of feeling as a sign that God is with me. I do not seek any feelings that I am doing this right. I just talk and pray as if God is sitting right in front of me....and He is. I am not talking to someone who is way out there somewhere. He is as close to me as my own breath. I find this type of prayer difficult yet because it's new. It's new for me not to beg, or tell God what to do, how to fix it. It's new not to look for signs and wonders. I like it. It's simple. No pressure on me or believe it or not on God to perform.
I have goals in my heart and head. That is where they stay too. I spend so much time thinking about them. Figuring out how to make them happen that I don't follow though to actually doing them. As you can see, I spend a lot of time in the learning process and then I have the excuse that I don't have enough time to act on them. It's like working so hard to set the stage in a play perfectly before you can act on it.
It's all about simplicity. It's all about actually doing it. It's all about throwing out the how and all about now.
I do write from my heart about things that I need to be reminded of. I am teaching myself and if someone who reads it gets it too that's a bonus.
We live in a world that is full of pain and suffering. The news if full of murder, greed and a falling economy. My goal is not to bury our heads in the sand or deny what is happening but it is to take you away from it for just a moment or two. It is to remind myself and possibly you, of what really matters and how we can make our life and our loves ones a little brighter right where we are.

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