Friday, September 25, 2009

It's been so long

It's been so long since I wrote on this blog. I miss it but summer has had me busy. I always look forward to fall because it means more time for me to do the things I really love. Read, write and scrapbook. I enjoy the quiet and peaceful evenings. I feel more grounded during the fall and winter months.
Now is my time. I turned 51 this September. Still in shock. How can I be 51 when my mind is still stuck at 30? Maybe even younger. Maybe it's because we are who we are. Sure, we can tune it up a bit and thank God we can overcome past hurts. We can learn from our mistakes. We can change the way we wear our hair and learn to like things we never thought we would. Yet, that inner person, our soul remains the same. I am the same inside as I was at one, five, 25 and yes 51. I can't change who God made me to be, no more than I can change someone else. Somethings just are. It's a good place to be. I like the Beve' that God created. I am not disappointed. I like my gifts, my talent and my sense of humor. I like the way I love, the way I care and the way God has given me the gift as a caregiver. It's when I try to be someone I am not that I am not happy. I am not comfortable in my own skin. This doesn't mean I don't have things I need to change. I need to quit worrying about the housework and the yard. I need to let the laundry pile up sometimes. It means that I have to make time for Prayer everyday, quit smoking and start eating healthy. I need to exercise and live within my budget. There is plenty of things I need to start doing or do more often or even do less but I don't have to change who I am. In fact many of these changes would help me be more of who I am.
It took me many years to accept myself and yes, even celebrate who I am. My prayer for you today is that you will see who you are. Think of the things that you always seem to pull toward. The things you do find time for. Think of the ways you bring joy to others. You have a gift, you have a strength. It's what God created you for. We have a job to do on this earth. We have something to give to those who are put in our daily path. You are needed. Just look up to the Son, and smile. He will help you and guide you. He will send his angels and saints to carry you on your journey.

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