Monday, October 5, 2009

The second half

If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything. This saying spins around in my head a few times a day. It started as I approached this year birthday. Wow, 51 years old. I feel like I am on the other side of life. You know like the first half of the football game and this half you better give it all you got. Play it hard and play it smart. It counts. To late for regrets. Learn and move on. There still is time just not as much. Every minute counts. No more saving my best moves or my best party dress. This is it. Another saying comes to mind "This is not a dress rehearsal"
For years I never really gave it a thought. I saved the pretty stationary, the good dishes. I saved the hobbies to when I had more time. Never realizing how precious time really is. I put alot of things first that should of been last. I was saving the best for last but this is life not a piece of cake. You know, I was taking care of this or that first so then I could to do what I really wanted to do.
Sad thing is I still do it. Lately I almost resent the things that steal my time and energy. I know I am no different than the next guy. We all have things to do and really I don't mind but there just doesn't seem to be enough of me to go around.
I would rather spend a day with Cassidy than have the most beautiful weed free garden. I would rather spend two hours scrap booking then cleaning the house. I would rather spend the day with my sister shopping than doing the laundry. I would rather spend the evening with my husband, kids and dog creating memories. Maybe because this is truly who I am. Sitting around the bonfire in my old jeans, a over sized sweatshirt and yes, even old underwear!, eating off a paper plates and drinking out of plastic cups. Laughing, smiles ear to ear. The fire warming our bodies and the love warming our hearts. Their eyes shinning as the fire dances. This is what I want them to remember. These are the times I want them to look back on. This is the me I want them to remember.
Jesus, help me to remember that some of the "Things" I am saving for last don't really mean anything. It doesn't matter if I wear the party dress, or we use the Good Dishes. What matters are the things of the heart. Lead me, guide me, speak to me. My prayer for you is that you will realize how quickly times passes by before it passes you by. I pray that you will find what really brings you joy and take the time to enjoy it. I pray that you use the good dishes, wear the party dress or donate them to someone who will. God made each one of us different. We really do have a destiney to fulfill. How we each do this is as different as we are. I just know when I come face to face with Jesus I want him to say "You gave what you had." I just don't think He will say something like wow, you sure could clean a toilet! or I loved the way you tackled the cow webs in your house...amazing. I mean you never know, but I doubt it.......

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