Angel looked at this past weekend with different eyes than I did. I saw snow. I saw shoveling. I saw trying to get out of my driveway. Angel, well, she saw fun! I can't help but see the look of total delight in her face. All weekend she went by the door so she could go out for more.
Children have that same look of delight. I would of loved to be on the other side of the window of a child looking out on this Saturday morning. Small nose plastered to the cold window, eyes dancing and a smile like the snowman they are dreaming of making today. Always ready for a new adventure. Not afraid of getting cold or wet after all everything evenually dries out and thaws out.
When do we lose our sense of adventure? When does everything start becoming a hassle? A job to take care of. How come fun is something we actually had to fit in. Find time in our busy schedule for. We even feel quilty sometimes like we are playing hooky from the seriousness of our lives.
It's really hard for me. I feel like I am wasting time. Doing nothing. That's starting to change lately. Entered Cassidy into my life. Yes, a little pink bundle of complete joy. God knew I needed a little help. He's really good with things like that. It's still a little tough for me to throw caution to the speak...but on my knees I am and she laughs and she qiggles. My heart beats stronger, my smile is from ear to ear and I know I have that look of total delight on my face. I know this much too, when she asks next year "Nana, can we go out and play in the snow, can we build a great big snowman?" I will say "I would love too."
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