Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yesterday I spent the day with my Little Gift. Cassidy is truly the greatest gift I have ever received. Christopher was a pretty good one too.
Grand children come just at the right time in our lives. We're ready. We're not so busy trying to make life happen anymore. We learned that life is happening right now. Of course we don't have the concerns that young parents have. We already went though all that and now as parents they have to go through it. It's just a part of life. We are here to add that little extra attention and love. We have the time. I believe our bodies are alittle softer but so are our hearts. Our houses are a little to quiet so we enjoy the noise especially the laughter. The giggles. We don't mind a little food on the floor or in our hair. My favorite song is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and that Dora is a really good little actress. Hey, I'm even learning Spanish! Finally.
Pat asked me yesterday if Cassidy and I where going to have a tea party today. I said not today...she is still alittle young but the tea set has been bought. It's put away until that special magical moment that she and I will share. My very favorite memory is my mom and I and our afternoon tea parties, sipping water in little tea cups. My little brother Dale would be a sleep and Mom and I would have some tea and we would talk. I loved it. I loved it so much that I didn't want to go to kindergarten. I cried so much that the teacher told my mom to take me home and try again in a few months. I just wasn't ready. As I think back today I realize that my mom and I never did quit having those tea parties. As I grew older we switched to coffee and then coffee and cigarettes. We did this until she was to sick to drink coffee or smoke anymore but we still talked. We still shared our special moments.
I know I often write about my mom. We where so close. So much closer than I even knew. She is so much a part of me. I am so grateful to have such good memories. I think that often times I was so busy taking care of things like these young parents I didn't see all that was good. I do now. You see, I have the time. I have the heart.
I am sure that Cassidy and Renee will have their own special moments. I see some already. She has the mommy touch that Cassidy will always remember, that Cassidy needs.
I will share the "Nana" touch with her. I know that I will pass on the things that my mom gave to me. The crafts are waiting, the tea set ready but for now we will sing and dance. We will clap our hands and she will fall a sleep in my arms and I will remember.

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