Monday, March 9, 2009

As most of you know I am all for technology. My son claims that he's the only son who's mom wants electronics for Christmas and Mother's Day. Forget the jewelry, flowers and candy what I want is more hard drive, a new camera, a flash drive, some recordable DVDs or Cd's and if your feeling really generous a new photo shop software program. I have a Nano, a Kodak picture viewer and a cell phone.I'm not a geek. I'm definitely not old fashion. I believe that we have to change with the times. Not only do I believe it, I think it's great. I want to learn and use all the latest stuff but I do have a small problem. It's the cell phone. It's becoming a obsession with all ages. I can't have a dinner, or a conversation with out someone either talking on their cell phone or text messaging. Text messaging is a whole new problem. If it wasn't bad enough listening to other peoples conversations at the doctors office, grocery store, hair salon and even in the restroom now we have to look at tops of heads. Have you noticed how everyone head seems to be bent down. It seems to be okay to stop in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store, to sit at the light after it turns green and to ignore your children as hands busily tap most often useless information. What do these people have to talk about when they are face to face? Is there anything left to say. Probably not. It doesn't matter I guess because they can always text someone else.
I remember taking my son to the grocery store with me. I would put him in the cart and talk with him the whole time I shopped. It was our time together. It makes me sad to see parents on the phone while children sit in shopping carts bored and crying. Such missed opportunities to share. To talk. To be silly.
What put me over the edge was when I was at a funeral recently. Right there in the funeral home while the family was saying their good-byes a few people where text messaging. In the quiet of the room you could hear them tapping on the keys. What could have been so important at that moment? Their love ones where all there in the room.
There really is a time and place for everything. I love to read. I wonder how it would go over if I just pulled out a book and started to read while someone was talking to me. I would be nice and put up my finger and say something like "I just have to finish this chapter, and I'll be right with you."
To me this is like saying everything is more important than sharing this moment with you. How sad.
Let's put the phones away. They have voice mail. Let's look at each other. Look into each others eyes when we speak. Notice the smile or see the tears. Be there...not just there.
Don't wait. I miss you even though your right in front of me.

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