Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I stopped over Chris' and Renee's the other day. Just a short visit to drop something off and of course to see Cassidy. When I walked into the door she saw me and started to jump up and down. She was so excited. A Nana's dream. Nana's and Papa's just love that kind of thing. We melt.
When it was time to go I gave Cassidy hugs and kisses. As I started for the door she ran and got her hat and reached up for me to pick her up. She thought she was going with me. It was so adorable. I melted. I couldn't help myself. I couldn't bring her home that day. I had to say "Nana can't take you today." As I walked out and closed the door I hear her crying. I'm sorry and please don't think badly of me but it made me happy. I actually smiled. Again, it's every Nana's dream. All we want is to be loved, wanted and missed. Not to much to ask for. At the age of 16 months, Cassidy already gives me the best gift ever. Herself. She makes my days. I can't be sad or worried for to long. All I have to do is think of something she said or did and once again life is good. It's funny but kids have been doing the same things for years but each child is unique. They do things with their unique twist. It's like seeing and hearing it for the first time. God must feel that way about us. A proud father. He must think "that's my girl" or "that's my boy". All he wants is to be loved and wanted. (He doesn't ever leave so you can't miss Him.) I am sure when He see's us using our gifts and talents that He gave us...he smiles. God just has to smile. There is just no way He could create a smile without having one Himself. We feel God's love through other people. That is the plan. "Love one another as I have loved you." Children do it so easily. It's comes natural to them. Big people have to work at it a little more. That is God's plan too. No magic wands here. God expects us to use the abilities that He gave us and He gave us the ability to love. Not just the warm and fuzzy, feel good kind but the stick to it kind.
I know that many of us did not have a good example of God as children. Some of our parents did not use what He gave them. They choose another path. That should not be an excuse that we can't relate to a loving God as a Father figure. All we have to do is think about how much we love our children. We can relate to how we would go to the ends of the earth to do what we feel is best for them. That is what helps me. If I can love my son as much as I do....If I could want whats best for him as much as I do how much more must God love me. The story of the Prodigal Son makes sense to me.
Sometimes love has to say "No." I had to say "No" to Chris and even to Cassidy already. It's hard to understand but "No" can be the most loving word you can say. "No", sometimes guides and protects. God sometimes has to say "No." to us. Just wait it out and you'll find out why. Also, "do it yourself" is like saying "I love you" because it's saying I believe in you and you can do it. God sometimes has to set back and say "do it yourself."
I often write about Cassidy and being a grandparent. I believe as I have often said, it's our second chance. Today, I realize it is also a refresher course in what we tend to forget. We forget about how much God loves us and what He calls us to do. Grandchild help us to remember.

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