Monday, March 23, 2009

This is not a dress rehearsal. Wow, that saying really hit me recently. This thing called life is a one shot deal. There won't be any take backs. No rain checks. We learn it now and use it now. There is no learn now and use it some other time. At the end we will look back but that's about it...there will be nothing we can do about it then. It will be to late. There won't be any second changes to get it right. I don't mean to sound morbid but this has to sink into my head. I have to get this. It's all about now. Say it now. Hug more now. Love more now. Laugh more now. Spend time with your love ones now. If you have a dream you better work on full filling it now. I know with the death of my mom I began to think about how life is to short and it is. It has changed my outlook on many things and now this "This is not a dress rehearsal" takes me a step further on my journey. I don't believe either one of these sayings where meant for us to think about our self more. Although at times we just have to. It's a good thing to love and care for yourself. I do think that it means if you have any unfinished business that you are aware of it's time to step it up and finish it. If you need to forgive someone forgive them. If you need to say "I love you" Say it.
If you always wanted to paint, write or learn how to dance. Go for it. Perfection is a lie and if you listen to it you'll miss your chance. I want to write, I know I am not great at it but I want to fulfill this dream. So here I am. Writing.
Friday, I wanted to spend time with Cassidy but I also had stuff to do around the house. I decide that Cassidy was more important then this house of mine. I want
to be with her more than my dust rag or mop. I want to see her smile and hear her laugh. We had a great time. While we where having lunch she reached out and took my hand and put her head on my shoulder. I would of missed that moment if I would of stayed home and cleaned.
I know that every one has dreams. They don't have to be big. We don't have to change the world or any one else for that matter. Just something simple from the heart. Hearts speak to hearts. Often times you who read my blog have touched me. Your heart has spoken to mine. I have been gifted with the kind and caring people in my life. My life is richer because of you.
This is not a dress rehearsal speaks to's my responsibility not someone else's. If I don't do it now what good will it be to me or anyone else to blame my life, my parents or even God for the way things turned out.
Spring is on it's way. A time for new beginnings. Plant a flower to remind yourself that you are growing into something beautiful because you are beautiful.

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