Sunday, March 8, 2009

I hate to admit defeat but my grand baby wore me out today. Talk about busy. My husband woke up from a nap and his first words where "what happen in here?" He not usually home when I have her with me. He's not use to all the toys all over. Usually by the time he comes home the house is clean and dinner is made. I might not look to good but 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Anyway, the kitchen floor was lined with Tupperware, a rolling pin and more toys. The dining room table was full of the things she should not get in to. For me it's just another day in the life of a Nana. It's tiring but so rewarding. Today we had another tea party, crunched on potato chips, read and played with every toy in the toy box. When I dropped her off tonight she was tired but happy. Just like me. You know what I did? I asked if I could pick her up on Tuesday so I can do it all over again.
I never thought these kind of days would come. I never thought I could turn my head to all of the mess. I couldn't do that when Chris was growing up. Not that he didn't play but I worried so much that some one might stop over and see the mess. I am sorry for that. Like many things during those days I wasted a lot of time on things not worth my time. You live and learn we often say. Grand kids are God's second chance for us. My mom was a better grandmother than a mom. She had so much more patience. She was so much more understanding of what kids do. She would tell me to let it go or when I turned my back she would give in to him. I am remembering how the table turns as we get older. I remember about three months before my mom got really sick and she was at my house while I was at work. I had Chris check up on her and when he stopped in she asked him for a cigarette. He didn't know what to do. Should he give her one? Her health was already going down. He ended up calling me at work and asking me if he could give Grandma a cigarette. I was really busy and I remember saying "Just give her one." When I hung up the phone I couldn't help but laugh. How many times did my mom call me at work and ask if Chris could do something or have something and I would answer "Just give it to him, or let him" Now I realized they had a system going. We'll just call mom when she is busy at work, she won't have time to talk and she can't yell. It worked every time. I know that I'll do the same. Sorry Chris, but what goes around comes around. I promise to love and care for Cassidy like my mom cared for you. I also promise to spoil her just as grandma spoiled you. It's the price you must pay. After all I am only doing my job as a Nana.

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