Friday, March 6, 2009

I think we reach different milestones in our lives. Not so much measured by years but definitely measured by our experiences. I am starting to reach the "in my contentment" years. The years I often hear of and didn't quite understand until now. It's the knowing that it's good on those quiet days when someone will ask you "What's new?" and you can say "Not Much, you know the same old, same old." and you mean it. Not only do you mean it but you like it. After so many ups and downs, so many different valley's and peaks it's like enough already.
Coming home now is the best. Sitting in the evening with my husband and dog reading a book or watching a TV show is good. Seeing my granddaughter smile and hearing her giggle even better. I am having one of those days today. As you all know, my sister and I are the very best of friends. We are a team. We understand each other better than anyone else and we know how to get into trouble together, which we still do. Anyway, we had a sleep over. A girls night. We shopped, we had dinner and drinks. Tried new makeup. Talked about our grand kids. Shared pictures. It was great. How neat to share our history and still love each other. Yet, I missed home. I missed my husband and I missed my dog, Angel. There really is no place like home. It's such a comfort. Just begin gone one day and everything looks so good when you walk in. Angel met me at the door. She always does. I could be gone four hours or four days, it's all the same to her. I was hugged and kissed and then hugged and kissed some more.Then Pat came home and well I'll just know the saying about man's best friend. I figure he didn't want to seem so needy so he toughed it out. I think it's a guy thing. It didn't help much that we talked about four times a day anyway. Next time I go away I'm not going to be so easy. I hear it's good to be a little mysterious.
On the way home I stopped at Chris' house and saw Cassidy. I haven't seen her for almost a week. That's way to long. She looked so cute and I scooped her up in my arms and gave her kisses. She wanted me to hold her a lot today. No problem there. We played with Bella, her dog. Cassidy finds Bella so amusing. She just giggles when we play with her. Those giggles reach down into my heart. We played up and down. I pick her up, count to three and sort of slide her down my leggs. Well since I have been home I have hardly been able to get up and down because now my back is killing me. It was worth it. I think.
So it's this kind of thing that I started to write about tonight. Just everyday happenings. No big deal to some. Most maybe. Yet, it's what I have come to find and treasure as what life is all about. I chased a lot of rainbows. I have traveled to a lot of places. I am so grateful for those times. Even the not so good ones. They made me, me and that's a good place to be.

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