Yesterday I called Chris and Renee and asked them "Can Cassidy come over and play today?". I am very blessed because they always say "yes". They know how much I love her. When I walked in their house Cassidy saw me and a great big smile was on her face. Then she started to do the "Nana Dance". She was running around in circles and jumping up in down.It's like she is singing "My Nana's here, My Nana's here". I swear I could feel Love Droplets falling down like rain all around me and on me. It's incredible. Chris and Renee just watch us but they can't come in. It's our special secret bond that we share. Sort of like a secret handshake or password you need to get in. How can such a little person have such a big affect on me. After all I am fifty now. I have been there and done it all by now accept now it is with Cassidy. Everyday is like a new beginning with her. It's all new. A brand new adventure started from the first day I saw her and what an adventure it is becoming.
She's got spunk in her at the age of 17 months. She knows how to tease you, butter you up and she knows how to get into trouble. Then she smiles and giggles and she knows she's got you right where she wants you.
My favorite time is when she reaches up for me to hold her and she hugs me and pats my back. It's like she is saying "it's going to be okay Nana". I am here. A kiss is an extra bonus. Yes, you actually feel privileged if you get one with out asking.
I look at her and wonder what will she be like at five, fifteen, twenty? Her personality is already formed, you can see that. What will she do with it? Will I always make her do the Nana Dance? Will we always share are special secret bond?
I will always be there for her. I will always let her know that she is special and loved. I will always let her know that her heart is safe with me. I will bake her favorite cookies, fix her hair and share my life and experiences with her.
I thank God for her. God gave me a special gift to enjoy in my later years. What a special husband I have who supports and loves me as I enjoy my adult childhood. He encourages me to live my life fully. To enjoy my family and to seek my interest. In these last few years I have been doubly blessed.
I have been given a second chance at life. To live the life I always longed for. Thank you God, for loving me so much that you wanted to fulfill my dreams. You love me through the people in my life: Pat, Cassidy, Chris, Renee,David, Cheryl, Lauren, Kevin, Denise, Jay, Jaquie, Josh, Dale, Joanne, Zach, Maddie, Max and Angel. You love me through my special friends, especially Estelle. My world is full now. I feel loved and cared for. I can't help but smile. I can't help but laugh. Somedays I run in circles and jump up and down and do the "God Dance" and sing God is here, God is here.